Too Cool For Oldskool

Or, not at all actually, I just wanted an interesting title. Silly titles aside, check out these amazing new decks from redemption.

OMNOMNOMNOM. Seriously, Jordan makes such nice decks! The contrast on these between colour and the paint streaks makes them look soo nice. Great stuff, really great stuff. As always. They're on the MMC mold, which looks like it'd be really nice for oldschool decks as its got enough concave to carve nicely with. The extra shaping means they cost a teeny bit more, but, they're still a great price, 18 dollars. If you've always wanted an oldschool, this is definitely the time to pick one up.

There's more great stuff coming in the future from Redemption from what I hear, as always, as jordan is always pushing fingerboarding whenever he can. Go check out their website and pick something up :)
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