Ramon + Pirates

Or, no, no pirates actually, sorry. Pirate song though? And a great video? No? Well, maybe I should shut up and you should watch, haha.

Daaaammn. Soo nice! I dunno how he manages to have such a great style on some of the creative tricks he does, but, yea, Ramon is a total beast. Amazing video showing how much fun he has fingerboarding as well as how good it he is! The part where he's setting up the deck gave the video a really rad vibe, chilled and awesome, which is exactly what fingerboarding is. Makes me want to go sesh my winkler dos for hours, but, nah, its pizza night with my girlfriend so I'll do it tomorrow when shes at work. Probably watch this video to get my hyped for a sesh, you should do the same and see what crazy tricks you find yourself trying. Might even learn something new!

Amazing stuff as always from Ramon Angelow, for more of him go check out Harry's channel here :)
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