If you're anything like me, you've been waiting for this for a long time! Shame I just spent £20 on the no comply customer appreciation sale, else I'd get one quicker than I could check my bank balance.
Yup, thats right. G4s are available to buy! 22 euros gets you a complete, and I know a lot of people these days think that its a bad deal, because for a bit more you could get a complete from no comply or redemption or something.. But close up are really unique, great quality setups. Now with wide single axle trucks + wider decks? They look amazing. And they have lots of great quality graphics, so, yea, the next time you hear some kid tell you they're lame? Ignore them. I had a g2, 25mm wide, my first ever deck. Really nice pop, and the wheels lasted me a year, so, yea. Try one, is my advice. You might surprise yourself.
Props to close up for all they do and constantly bringing out some great products, especially with the co brandings! Go check out their site and pick up a setup :)