Cyclone Syndrome 3 Update

So, hopefully all of you have heard of Cyclone Syndrome 3, the latest and greatest event coming up in the UK. Well, thanks to yours truly, and a few others, who've all organised it and are making sure its gonna be awesome, we now have a LOT of support. Check out the latest flyer.

Huge thankyou to all of those companies (and me here at unite! haha) for sponsoring, its gonna be such a great event! 25th February 2011, Manchester UK, 10 - 3 with an afterparty. Lots of great seshing, fun, meeting lots of people from all over the UK, and competitions! A big mini run, game of skate, and street runs. And a raffle, with free tickets for everyone who comes. Free entry + refreshments for everyone too!

If you have even the smallest chance that you can go, seriously, do so, and help the UK scene get better and better. Its gonna be an amazingly fun day! If you want to come, drop an email with your name + saying you want to register for cyclone syndrome 3 to HarryYeates [at] googlemail [dot] com , and you'll be given the address.

For all of you who live in other countries, look forward to seeing footage of the event after its over! :)
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