Yup, these new King Size wheel stickers are absolutely amazing! I've always checked them out here but wanted to go further into that and give you guys a proper review on them. I know they're just stickers, but quite a unique sticker in that they can change any wheel into a graphic wheel for a crazily low price. I've not tried them on any wheels but these, but it looks like these will fit on just about any standard wheel. These came on the wheels so I cant steal them for my winklers, but in a way its a good thing that they came on because as you can see ever after seshing these a fair bit the stickers haven't come off in the slightest. Awesome designs too!
As for the wheels? They're lathed 'china' wheels with special OEM bearings, so its not like 0% thought has gone into them - and they're not a bad price too. However I'm still not mega stoked on stuff like that even with OEM, but at least its not just kids picking up wheels for less than a dollar and selling them on for 32490834x profit. They work well on tech deck style trucks, and also on BRR trucks, but they're not BRR edition - so you have to loosen the nut a tiny bit. I didn't get any wheel slipping either, but I think with a bit more hardcore use on BRR trucks that'd happen, due to them not being BRR edition.
Overall though the wheels performed pretty nicely, rolled mega smoothly, and the stickers are one of the products I've been most stoked on in ages. Customise your wheels? I need to pick up a set for my winklers!
Want to win these wheels? They're now a second place prize in the Fingersized Get Sized! competition. Otherwise you can pick up a set over at King Size here :)