Setup Of The Week #36

So, this week I'm torn. I really want to break the 'rules' and make myself SOTW, because I got the nicest deck(s) in the world and I think this week nothing has beaten them. One setup is on par, which is going to be this week's winner. But I'm going to actually show off mine too.

BRR 2.0s
Winkler Wheels

For those who saw the post yesterday about blosom decks, I changed the sticker job as it was too cluttered on the left deck. But yea, the purple one is my main and its seriously the best deck I've ever had. Not to mention it looks gorgeous.

ANYWAY, being that I have way too much of a concience to feature myself ALL week on my own website, here's something equally delcious as that deck, and quite possibly the nicest wildwood deck made. Check this beast out!

Emanant 31mm
Winkler BRR Edition

I love how this deck is soo simple, yet it all fits together soo well! The colours of the wildwood and the plies mixing with the colour of the wheels to make this incredibly mellow, snow coloured deck (from the sides) and then that contrasted by the tape. Looks soo nice, emanant OGs are amazing shapes by the looks of things! I know it'll perform soo well, Ryan W is soo lucky to be on the team, but totally deserved as he shreds up his emanant decks and pulls out crazy tricks like he's just ollieing! Great setup from a great rider, definitely this week's winner!

Go check out Ryan's channel here :)
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