Setup Of The Week #20

This week's setup wins because, well, its really unique. And especially as it was apparently made from the last scraps of veneer the person had lying around. What's also amazing, is that this is a first for SOTW. Someone won it TWO weeks in a row! There was a close second place (this setup, soo nice!), but, nope, first place took it.

Homemade deck
BRR 2.0s
Mix of TKY + FBS soft bushings

Amazing. Really interesting looking shape, really lush bottom ply, and great stuff to go with it. I just want to steal it and ride mini with it for hours! Just.. ahh, I'm lost for words at how fun it looks. I love shapes like this, they just look like so much fun, and its a whole different level for fingerboards being they started as 'normal' shape decks. Its nice that for an oldschool ish shape, its got kicks, so you could still use it for street.

Overall, great stuff, as always, from Conrad M, I swear this is his third or fourth SOTW now? Either way two in a row takes some epic setups, so huge props man! Everyone go check out his channel here :)
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