One Of The

One of the coolest fingerboard parks I've ever come across, to be quite honest. Simple, home made, very space effective, and FUN! Check this out.

Seriously makes me want to build a park of my own like that! I love the idea of concrete parks, never had the space to make one, hopefully when I move I can build a massive one. I love concrete parks in skateboarding, so seeing the same thing in fingerboarding is great. And this one looks made soo well! Love it. Then you mix that with a huge bag of amazing tricks down on the park, and it just ends up being a fantastic video. Switch varial heel was soo clean! Thats one of my favourite tricks too, so, yea, great stuff all round.

Video from Sergey Polev, or MySplin on youtube, hes from Russia. Great to see people being really creative with fingerboarding all over the world! Definitely go check out his youtube channel here :)
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