Amazing Opportunity

This video popped up and reminded me of something I think I saw a snippet off a while ago, but, now its a pretty big thing. Watch, and be excited.

I'm sure you've all heard of 2Fingarabatt, Fingerskateboardcinema as they're also know, they've made some really great videos, such as the very famous 'think about it' video where the guy does fingerboarding tricks, then does them on a skateboard too. They're making what is set to be a really great DVD, and now YOU (thats right, YOU. Everyone.) has the chance to be a part of it! They want people to send raw footage, trimmed to the clips (i.e. no slowmos, just the tricks) to the email address written in the video, and if you're selected (based on creativity and other things) your video will be on the dvd!

United Fingerboarding (the name of the DVD, not a typo of our name here, haha..) is gonna be something pretty amazing, so I think this is a chance of a life time! Get filming everyone! For more information check out their website :)
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