Pushpop decks sound like they might be delicious, they sound like those old lollies that you pushed up and the lolly came out from the plastic, haha.. Take a look at this new batch.
How nice are those? They look as delicious as they sound now! I wish I had a side pic, but I've seen one before and from what I remember they're pretty amazing, really nice flowy shape. Its also nice to see decks coming out from a company that aren't 3098093824mm wide.. Or, like, 32mm. Its the new 'cool' width, but, eugh, its horrible! 30 all the way. 29 is good too. These look 29 or 28, and, yea, thats a nice width. People need to remember fingerboards aren't supposed to be as wide as they are long, haha XD
Seriously though, these look great, really good job. They're 20 dollars including shipping, and you can pick one up by being on FFI and dropping the owner. Info is in this thread :)