Lowpro Engraved

So, I believe these were available in a very limited run around christmas time, but, now they're back, in another limited run. Look.

Nom. Nom nom nom. Basically, haha.. Lowpro decks look amazing, the logo is really interesting and simple at the same time, which looks great when its engraved. Especially when its lazer engravings, which mean they're 100% perfect every time. A lot of hand engraved decks look good, but, obviously human error makes things not perfect every time. Lazer engravings will always look this beautiful, there were a few other engraved designs up before christmas, don't know if these are available now or if its just the logo, but, they just show have great engravings can look. You might think lowpros aren't cheap, they're the same price as berlinwoods basically, but I honestly think for the craftsmanship you get, they're worth it. Another little reason why they're worth it, is this:

Free shipping, forever. Worldwide. It was a christmas + new year offer, and they decided, due to the huge positive feedback they got from doing it, that they'd keep it up forever. Pretty awesome if you ask me!

Lowpro continue to push fingerboarding, and make some amazingly beautiful products. They definitely deserve support, so, yea, go check out their website, and maybe pick one of these up :)

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