Jesse + Sam

Two amazing riders who always put out amazing videos, all the time. And great photos too from what I've seen. Now you can see a lot more of said photos. Where?

They now have a blog, called rather creatively Jesse + Sam, haha.. A tumblr blog, and, in true tumblr fashion, is full of great pictures and will probably have videos too of their sessions together. I think just like NEFB, little projects like this are really great. Its not kids complaining about sponsorship, its just people loving fingerboarding and making a project together with friends to show some fingerboarding awesomeness to the rest of the world. And having fun like this is what its all about.

Great stuff, especially considering not only are they having fun with it, but the photos are amazing! Be sure to go check out their blog (+ subscribe by RSS if you're cool, haha) :)
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