
So I got a bunch of stuff in the mail today (best. mail day. ever.) and yea, this stuff is all AMAZING! Feast your eyes.

I forgot to take a non setup picture of the purple deck and didn't realise until I'd set it up, so, yea, sorry about that! If you want to see I'll have an unboxing uploaded in a few days (when I get around to it basically XD) on my/the unite youtube channel.

Three new decks (all the hardware I had before), two blosom decks and a unite x redemption 31mm 4 ply MMC! First the redemption, the graphics have come SUCH a long way since the first one, looking at them they barely look like they're made by the same company! The MMC is an amazing shape too, and, yea, overall its just an amazing deck. Definitely worth picking up one, especially a unite graphic! (or one of the other graphics if you don't want to support unite... haha no, I kid, all the graphics are great)

On to the Blosom decks, I cannot begin to explain these. Amazing decks, such a nice shape, nice and mellow but with enough kick height to give you amazing pop. Mix that with perfect craftsmanship, more pop than you could ever need, and ridiculously beautiful plies, and you get THE nicest decks I've ever used. They just make all tricks suck up and give you the nicest catches ever! Setting them up was SO easy, easier than any deck I've ever set up. I cannot fault them, and I like to be VERY particular with my reviews/checkouts, so, yea, get one when they're out! Expect a full review of the purple deck (as its my main setup so it'll be easier to review it, but I used the other one outdoors a bunch today, soo nice too!) within a week or so.

I love getting all this stuff in the post, especially when I didn't have to pay for any of it! And the blosom decks only took ONE DAY in the post. Amazing. Go check out the blosom and redemption sites below :)
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