Phone Camera Fisheye 'Review'

Fingerboarding perhaps seems to a lot of people expensive. And, well, a lot of kids aren't happy til they have a decent camera + fisheye combo, and probably pester their parents for hundreds of pounds worth of equipment. Those of us without such a luxury normally end up having to do without. Or, we DID.

I just got this awesome fisheye. 15 pounds. Which according to google (at time of writing, obviously this will change all the time) is 23.11 dollars for all of you elsewhere in the world. That included shipping from hong kong. Its a teeeny little fisheye that sticks over my phone lens. Even if you've got a phone that doesn't have an amazing camera like mine (12.1mp camera), it can still be a really good way to get footage and enjoy making fingerboarding videos without having to fork out a thousand pounds on the latest canon eos 550d with a death lens or something. Because, fingerboarding is fun. Filming fingerboarding and editing videos is fun. But getting bad footage stops it being as fun. Now, theres an alternative to having to spend lots of money on a uber nice camera just so it can take a fisheye.

The quality is really good.. Look at this test video:

I mean, its not as angled as a death lens, its a 0.28x, but, its still really good! And its cheap. Really cheap.

If you've got a webcam, camera phone, or camera with a small lens, its really really worth getting one. Even if you've got a massive camera, but want something a little more portable, say just to get a few bits of footage whilst you're out and don't have your giant dvx camera on you, but you have your phone, this will make that sort of footage a LOT better. And it can be hung from your phone so you don't loose it!

You can pick them up on ebay (search 'phone camera fisheye'), and I think they're a great cheap alternative to having to spend lots on cameras and lenses to get good footage. I know its gonna make my videos a lot better!
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