Yeaaaaa. Somehow, I took a massive chunk out of my nose walking home yesterday. Like, I tripped and somehow lost all ability to balance (being a skateboarder and having fallen more times than I can remember, it baffles me beyond words) and just died. Thankfully it's not broken but there's a big chunk missing (despite the picture not looking bad, it is instagram after all) and I've gotta get some plastic stitches today so it doesn't leave a huge scar. So that's gonna take even more time than I have today, regardless of having work all day - AS SUCH.. I wont be able to post unite until maybe this evening, if not then tomorrow. And I guess new unite is on hold until the weekend.
Kinda sucks but I'm even more annoyed than everyone else as the mere concept is ridiculous. Oh well - have a great day everyone, and sorry for the lack of fingerboarding. Go land some kickflips smiths for me :)