
Normally I wouldn't bother going into something like this, but I was really bummed to read this in the video description.

Shane M is back with another mindblowingly awesome video. Why mindblowing? Well, watching should give the answer to that, he always finds little ways to make tricks that little bit more creative, different, or fun than what is 'normally' done. Apparently he's thinking about quitting fingerboarding. Would be a big loss I think - and whilst if you're a cynic you could call the whole thing a 'publicity stunt'.. I'd still be really gutted to not see any more videos from him.

HOWEVER.. I see this thinking pop up every once in a while and it always snowballs into this weird bandwagon. Here's a thought for you all: Fingerboarding is still fingerboarding. If there's bits you don't like, don't make them part of fingerboarding for you. Concentrate only the bits you want it to be, and you'll find it's just as rad as when you first started.

Go check Shane's channel here :)
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