Christmas Over

Everyone full up? I'm sure we've all eaten far too much food, but now there's a whole page of fingerboarding awesomeness for you to enjoy as well. Taking far too long to write for a slightly worn out me not used to using this bluetooth keyboard on my tablet and an internet connection that's cutting out every 10 minutes for an equal amount of time - but that cant stop me writing here!

Expect posts tomorrow, then Friday I'm back at my house in Bristol in the evening. In the meantime I hope everyone CV had a great christmas and got some rad fingerboard stuff! I got a brand new Lowpro deck in the FBHQ secret santa, stoked on that. Here's it set up with the two other things I got, a windbreaker and some trucks for my large scale fingerboard.

Even more reason for me to be down Campus lots, any South West fingerboarders can always come find me there for a holiday chill/game of skate!

Whilst you're waiting for tomorrow go check unitefingerboarding on facebook here :)
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