An early start and after unite posts and downing a bowl of honey nut cornflakes, I made a few little cuts and finshed up the base of the championship park. Deciding I wanted to do something else, I marked out the second park then made two of the frames - realising I forgot to buy nails at the DIY store so I had to go buy some!
The finished base layers to the championship park, and the second park marked out.
A frame ready for drilling.
After finally getting back from a trip the shop I went about nailing the frames I'd glued together, then once that was done I measured up and got ready to drill them. Sounds like something could go wrong, anddddd it did. I foolishly assumed that the drill I'd brought, which said it came with drill bits, had what it came with. However I had no such luck, and no drill bits either. I figured rather than go out AGAIN, I'd just get on with everything else, which meant a whole afternoon of cutting the base parts for the two smaller parks. And, they're done!
Park one..
..and park two.
Now I'm having a break as I said, after maybe an hour I'll go cut the banks (thankfully hardboard is effortless to cut compared to plywood), cut the handrails, make the final frame, and call it a night. Leaving very little to do but fine sanding, quarterpipes, and painting to do tomorrow - I have no idea how I'm ahead of schedule on this but I am!
I had to make a few alterations to the designs of the two parks, however I think I've made them more fun to ride AND slightly easier for me to build. Win win! I'll also probably be back with a few more shots this evening, so a day 2.5 will be later on.
Overall, I guess determination gets you a long way :)