Blackriver-Ramps Box 1 Review

I've been using this ramp a lot recently, so I decided after not seeing much love on it elsewhere, I'd do a review. First, some pictures, with my main setup in one picture for size reference.

Shipping doesn't count because I ordered this from BRR and Thomas brought it up to BATH#3 for me. But if you order anything from BRR or any decent shop that sells BRR stuff, I'm sure shipping will perfect. n/a

First impressions
of this were basically that it looked perfect! I have always been a fan of small obstacles, its soo much more challenging to get techy tricks down on it, and this looked exactly like what I'd wanted for ages. And its BRR, so ramps always look great. 10/10

again is from Blackriver, I've never seen any ramp sold by them that doesn't come in perfect condition. Countersunk coping, awesome burned in logo, and the sticker trim all reassure you its 100% Blackriver quality. Even on the curves on the bottom there's no imperfections, just a fantastically made ramp. 10/10

of this thing is amazing. I guess a lot of people are probably put off by the size, but honestly these are one of the most fun ramps you'll ever use. Especially if you spend a tiny bit more and pick up one BRR pallete - that gives you an up box, down box, and straight manny pad, all out of one obstacle. Which talking from experience of hour long seshes in the evenings with some chill tunes in the background - doesn't stop being fun at all. You might be wondering about the curve on the bottom? That's so that you can prop it up against say a pallete, or another obstacle, and it wont wobble, which is a really unique feature of a ramp and makes this soo much more versatile. Measurements wise its 19cm long, 9.5cm wide, and 3cm high. So for those thinking its tiny, its actually longer than the short Shen benches, and lots of people enjoy those. In terms of durability, the coping doesn't scratch any more than any coping would with constant grinding, and its definitely built to last. And as if there wasn't enough good to say about this, you can turn it upside down and use it as a U ledge (although putting it on something so its not like 2cm high at the bottom of the curve is a good idea). If I try my hardest to find a negative, I'd say after a long while you might want to sesh something higher, but that's where a pallete comes in, so its not really a negative. 9.75/10

whilst the size might initially put people off, I really think it shouldn't - these are soo much fun! Obviously everyone has preferences, but these are not only a really fun ramp for soo many tricks, and crazily versatile, but they're PERFECT for travelling. Pack this, pocket winkler, and your fingerboard into a backpack along with some noms and go find a picnic table in the middle of nowhere. Recipe for a great summer afternoon right there! Or if you have only a small desk and want a box that'll not swamp it? This is the answer. What makes these even better is that they're only 10 euros, which is ridiculously cheap, probably the best value for money BRR box simply because of how much fun you'll have with it. I know probably everyone reading BRR reviews thinks its just fanboys showering false compliments, but I REALLY tried to find a negative here. In my books, there isn't one, so I'm really surprised more people aren't riding these, as I rarely see them in videos. Got a bit of money lying around and want to try something new? I really recommend picking one up. 10/10

You can pick these up on Blackriver, or shipping worldwide from Fingersized here :)
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