You Are Not A Robot

So, this video was PMed to me by the person who made it, and well, they seemed polite, so I gave the video a look. I'm glad I did, great stuff.

Jesper Sjögren. A great rider from Sweden, but, this is where some people might be like 'OHMYGOD SCANDALOUS!!'. He rides for Maplewood. But, honestly, does that make someone a bad person? I talked to him a bit and he seems a cool person who likes fingerboarding. S'all good in my books. Really really great video too! Think what you like about maplewood, I'll probably agree with you, but, sometimes we all need to remember its often better just to forgive and get on with life and what we love in it. Fingerboarding. Back on topic to the actual video, there are some really nice styled and amazing tricks, I really loved it! Great song too.

Overall, Jesper (He's from Sweden by the way. What do I keep saying about Swedes taking over the world? Haha..) has some great tricks, definitely one to keep an eye on! I subbed, it wouldn't be a bad thing if you did too. Check out his channel here :)
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