Flatface Welcomes Two People

Two great new riders added to the amazing list that is the Flatface team. Both with equally amazing welcome videos to remind you why they're on the team, haha. Watch and enjoy.

Drake Elliot and John Attanasio. Both of them are amazing riders, so congratulations to both! I think everyone has probably heard of Drake for running Emanant, but I'd not really seen much of his fingerboarding before. His video was amazing! 4 minutes of great style and really interesting tricks. Then some kids had the nerve to say 'the flatface team isn't good these days'. Whhaaa? Kids, ahhh .__. Seriously, sponsorship is about more than skill, but I don't get why thats an issue on a video when the person is good anyway? It baffles me. ANYWAY.. Yea, amazing stuff from drake. John has such a nice vert style, and some really smooth flip tricks, but, yea, I mainly enjoyed his vert stuff. Its refreshing to see people still ride vert these days, so there's another great addition to the team!

If the flatface team had to compete against other teams for something, they'd surely win and take over the world. Amazing stuff all round. Now all they need to do is make the Flatface dvd 2 (which was supposed to be out like half a year ago right?), haha :)

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