EFC Coming Up!

The guys organising the EFC (European Fingerboard Cup) got in contact with me and asked me to put up this flyer for the event. Looks like its shaping up to be one of the biggest fingerboard events of the year!

For those of you who don't know, EFC will be held on the 25th June in Prague, Czech Republic. Looks amazing, loads of people will be there, great parks to sesh, so even if you don't enter you still get to have a shed load of fun! For the amazing atmosphere that will be there, 5 euros to get in is definitely worth it. I remember footage of last year and it looked awesome! Not to mention if you do enter, 400 euros + shed loads of other prizes for the winner, and 'prizes for the public', so probably a raffle or something (I'm guessing on that last bit). Seriously, if you can go, get there.

AND, this is where I kind of am stretching out to ask all of you who may be in the know of things, for a huge favour. BASICALLY, I was gonna be far too busy to go because of moving house, but then moving house got delayed, so I think I'll be able to make EFC! However, I a) don't know anything about Czech Republic and b) don't have enough money to go there AND stay somewhere. I'm gonna try sell a bunch of things and make up some money so that I can go, but for now, does anyone know any cheap places to stay around the event? And more importantly, I can fly from London to Brno a lot cheaper than I can get to Prague, what is the best way to get from Brno to prague? I'd really love to meet all the amazing people in europe who've supported what I do with unitefingerboarding, and get to go to an amazing event. If anyone can be of any help in answering those questions either PM me on FFI or FBHQ (kerrydeth) or email unitefingerboarding@gmail.com ! I'll try get back to people as soon as possible but as the post a few posts above this will explain, I'm off to Bristol flat hunting with my girlfriend until saturday, so won't really have internet for a few days.

My spamming aside, definitely go check out the EFC site below, and if you can get there, GO! :)

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