G8 Plaza!

Huge props to the BRR guys and the guys at FBTV for this preview, but yes, the wait is finally over. Here's the g8 plaza!

Err.. Yea. There you go. I know I'm not the only one thinking there's a LOT of open space that doesn't seem like it could be used too well for much else. I'm eager to know what is the other side of the double set, I'm pretty sure there's something.. here's hoping like a planter euro gap like was on the G8 + extension park BRR made for fast fingers last year, that'd be epic. I mean, regardless, this seems a fun park, but yea, empty. Maybe like a manny pad in the middle that's interestingly shaped or something (think the g6 plaza manny pad) would be rad, I dunno. I don't get the multi coloured wood either, looks quite nice but, yea, a little pointless if you ask me. ANYWAY, I really hate to pick holes in this, it does look a nice, simple, fun plaza, endless fun I'm sure! Props to BRR for another gem.

Seeming as FBTV got an exclusive preview of this you should all head over there and go check it out :)

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