Motive Blem Rails

I know this has already been sort of announced before, or, at least the rails have, and I've talked about motive a fair bit, but this really deserves mentioning. Blemish rails. With the teeniest non existent marks on them that are barely visible on the black surface, and otherwise they're in perfect condition.

Thats just a normal rail, but, these look the same. The difference?
For one of the most innovative rails in the world. Unfortunately this is the last stock of them, ever. I have no idea why more people don't think they're brilliant, but, yea, this is the last stock. And with some blemish ones at 15 dollars, you're mad to not get one. I wish I had money for one!

Theres also wildwoods for 10 dollars and customs for 12. I'm getting a custom soon hopefully, they look amazing for the price. Colin does some amazing work with his products and really deserves support. :)

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