A Timeline

So, I saw this video on FFI. A timeline of fingerboarding, from 1992-2002. Pretty fascinating the stuff they had and didn't have compared to what is around now. Main things I noticed, they didn't use grip, and a lot of the flips they did were getting the board to stick to their hands slightly, and flip like that, rather than popping it properly for flips like is done these days. I don't know if its what everyone did back then, but, its how I used to 'tech deck' when I was introduced to them, haha..

Either way, its an amazing video, a definite must watch.

Makes me glad we've got all the amazing products we've got today. I wouldn't like to go back to riding td trucks and wheels over brrs and bearing wheels. At the same time, fingerboarding, before I had either product, was still fun. And they still had fun, so, if you're having fun, then, it probably doesn't matter what you're using. It'd be such an experience to try riding a setup from the 90s!
..I think I'll stick to my g12 though XD
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