Berlinwood FuturePop Splits

Here's something quite interesting, and that I really hope we see appear more down the line.

Berlinwood released some super limited split ply decks, and also released a new width, called the FuturePop. A 33.3mm board, this time available in the limited dual colourway release. I LOVE 33mm boards so I'm stoked on these and really hope they see a release into normal Berlinwoods, however I hope they continue to be 35 euros rather than the 40 these are going for. Limited edition decks I can totally understand having a slight increase, so I'm not complaining on that, but here's hoping if we see FuturePop standard graphic Berlinwoods, they'll stay at a normal price. Either way - if you're looking for a new deck and want to treat yourself, you could do worse than to go snag one of these.

Go check these here :)
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