Grand Fingers Ghost Ride Wheels Checkout

You probably saw yesterday that Grand Fingers wheels landed at Fingersized. Want to know what they're like?

Some seriously nice wheels! The Ghost Ride wheels are so named because their bearing lock system is there, but you cant see it, so it's like a ghost. Spooooky, I know, but seriously they're amazing wheels that can not only be set up two different ways for different widths, but are soo nice to ride. Smooth, nicely shaped with a street feel, a tiny bit squeakier than Winkler BRR Editions, and a gorgeous material that's got the brilliant white colour of Flatface wheels. Overall it's hard to fault these, especially for the price. I'll have my full review soon, but now you can get them at Grand or Fingersized!

Go check Fingersized here :)
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