Anyone remember that really sick video by Fabian Epe that was an advert for a German telephone company, that he entered a competition for the companies birthday or something?
I loved this video when it came out, and a little update on it popped up on FBTV (so thankyou to fbtv for this!) that it got through to the final round of voting, and is in the top 20 entries. The winner will be the winning video I think! Not sure on that, there might be another round, but regardless, help Fabian out and vote! Its a fantastic video and definitely deserves to win. For those of you who don't speak German, go to the vote site and the bit at the bottom of the page shows 5 videos per 'page', and there are 4 pages that you advance through by voting for all the ones on the current page. I don't know if they're in order or random, but basically you click 'don't like' (something something nicht? I forget what it was and I've already voted so I cant see it again) for every video but Fabian's, and the other option for his video. Haha, or, you know, you can like lots, if you feel like watching all the videos. But Fabian definitely deserves to win, so get voting and help him out! It'll only take the teeniest second, and then you can feel like you've done something helpful for your day, haha :)
The link where you can vote is here. Good luck Fahbeee!