I had the most amazing mail day today, both things I didn't pay for, and they were both surprises! One I knew was coming and the other I had no idea. Check this out!
Sorry for the large amount of pictures, but, yea, amazing stuff! First Harvey, who ran Ex tape back in the day and is the original admin of FBHQ, sent me a bunch of Ex tape for being on the team back in the day, and for all the work I've done on FBHQ. Soo stoked, its amazing tape and I've always wanted some more after I ran out! I'm soo fussy with tapes and there are basically two tapes I can use perfectly, everything else takes a bit of effort. Those two tapes are Rip and Ex. Shame its not available any more! Still, I'll treasure this, its awesome. 12 sheets (or, 11 now as one went on the deck you see there) should last me a while, haha. On to the deck, Phil from soma sent me this amazing deck for free! Unite engraved, awesome graphic, awesomely shaped pool shape soma! I love it, its soo much fun, especially set up with roll 9s and some super loose trucks. These are available occasionally, I'd definitely recommend picking one up! Seriously one of the most fun pool decks I've ever tried, I love it. Its roughly 29mm at its thinnest part and 33 at its widest (I stress the roughly, I'm just guessing that really), a really nice size if you ask me. Great stuff! As for the other deck you may notice in the top pictures, I guess its from Harvey's collection? He rode for Kikz back when he was fingerboarding (who remembers them? I've no idea if they're still around or not) and this is a kikz graphic deck. Pretty cool addition to my collection I think, you don't see many around.
HUGE thankyou again to Harvey and Phil, soo stoked, you both made my day with this epic mail day from the postman! Go check out Soma on ebay and maybe pick up a deck here :)