Yup, I leave in around 2 hours to go get the bus for Prague! Meeting up with loads of awesome people, getting a ticket to EFC 2011, and I'm sure having lots and lots of fun! But yea, I wont be around to post I don't think. Don't know if I'll have internet to use or what, but regardless I'll be back on tuesday evening for some catch up posts!
Expect lots of pictures + video footage from the whole experience, probably one long video that'll hopefully be at least 5 minutes long.
If you're going to EFC, come say hi! I'll be wearing a unite tshirt, so you'll spot me easily. And if you're not going but can go, then make the effort, its set to be an amazing time!
So, yea, I have a 26.5 hour journey to make now, so, erm..hopefully it wont be as bad as it sounds? Haha, no, I'm gonna enjoy travelling over Europe. Bye for now everyone! Keep checking back often because if I get internet I'll make some posts as often as I can. For now, go fingerboard :)