So, unfortunately I don't know much about this in full detail as I cant find a link, only this picture that popped up on FBTV. And I'm not going to write the whole thing into google translate, haha (if anyone is bored enough, post a link in the comments!)
(Click on it to make it bigger.) Yup, from what I understand/got from skim reading with my very very limited knowledge of German, this is a trainee post for the BRR store in Berlin! Imagine working along side TKY and getting to be a part of one of the most amazing fingerboard places in the world. Would be such a sick experience! I don't know if its paid or not, but, hell, I'd do it for the work experience. Getting paid to do something fingerboard related is certainly something I hope to achieve one day, not because I want to make loads of money, but because I want fingerboarding to be the entire of my life, and not have a boring job along side it, haha! So, this would be step one towards that dream I guess. Who ever lands this is very lucky!
Go check out this post on FBTV where it popped up, props to them for the info/picture :)