Yup, back from flat hunting with my girlfriend in Bristol, very successfully as well, we now have an amazing place and we'll move in in 2-3 weeks time! Check out these two (bad because they were taken in a rush) pictures of the place.
Just the main room + kitchen there, which are a LOT bigger than they look. The bathroom is also really nice and the bedroom is a great size, but I don't want to picspam you with loads of pictures, so there you go. Its an amazing location, a brand new house (so new google maps doesn't think it exists) and yea, I couldn't be happier. I finally get space to put a fingerboard park again, so expect good things unite + uk fingerboarding wise in terms of that!
And for now at least, I'm glad to be back writing here and keeping you guys up to date on fingerboarding worldwide. First will be a bunch of catch up posts, then SOTW, and then news + new videos this evening as per usual :)