Split Kulture

This amazing deck popped up on yesterday and my jaw literally dropped to the floor when I saw it. Check this out!

Seriously, how amazingly nice is that! One of the most ridiculously beautiful split plies I've ever seen in my life. I love the colours, the middle that almost looks like some kind of mosaic, and how it subtly gets wider towards the nose, just so you know what way around your board is. Mix that with the fact that Kulture decks look absolutely amazing performance wise and have a great shape, and you get something that's soo worth the $32 (I think thats right?) that it costs for a split custom. The middle plies are even split too, and, yea.. Its just mega nice. Great stuff!

Kultures are available blank on No Comply right now, or if you're on FFI you can PM 'fb skater' to get one :)
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