The Lazy Day

Sundays are one of those days where nothing really happens and you don't feel like doing that much, or most of the time at least. Seems a lot of people agree with me, as these two sick videos popped up earlier! First:

Great to finally see some new footage from Isak K, he's got an amazing style and some ridiculously good tricks! Even for 'lazy sunday tricks' he still manages to pull out some crazy stuff and makes almost all of it perfectly clean. And this is him not really even trying, so here's waiting impatiently for the next mini he makes! Great stuff.

Definitely go check Isak's channel here. Second video:

A sick little video from Bene M, whos always got an amazing style, even in a little video like this. Quite possibly the cleanest heelflip back tail I've ever seen, getting heels nice on a fingerboard is hard enough, but having back heels on lock soo much that you can get a perfect one into a back tail? That deserves props. And when the rest of the video was sick tricks too? Definitely worth a watch.

Go check out Bene's channel here.

Sorry for the lack of news, slow news day I guess, lazy sunday and all! Hope you enjoy the videos instead :)
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