Homewood Shirts

Mega excited on this, I've been wanting a new shirt for a while now and then BAM, homewood comes along and saves the day. And I just happen to have made a bit of money selling old clothes on ebay, so now I can buy one! Haha, oh, wait, yea, you guys want the news, not my fashion life. Erm, er.. Homewood shirts? Quick, PICTURE DISTRACTION TIME!

Can you guess what my favourite colour of these is? Haha.. Seriously though, these look AMAZING. Soo well done, brilliant quality, and amazing colours! Smokestack guy is totally legend, so, yea, these are amazing, and available in many sizes and both colours. All for the great price of $25 shipped! I hope that's worldwide as I really want a blue L or XL (gotta ask Justin for a size chart) one! There's also a rad competition on FFI, guess which size will sell out first, everyone who guesses right wins 15% off their next deck order! FFI only I think, not sure, but, yea, its in chit chat (a part of FFI only members can see), so, probably.

Amazing tshirts, go check out this thread on FFI for more information and pictures. Huge props to Justin for making these! :)
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