Blosom Stock Exclusive Update

Yup, another piece of 'you heard it first here' news, not that it matters in the slightest, because whether you hear this news once or 50 times its still gonna be sweet. Why? Because you can get Blosom decks!

That lovely batch of decks is on its way to none other than.. FLATFACE FINGERBOARDS! Yes, you read right. An amazing step for not only Blosom decks to be sold on one of the most amazing and well known distriubtion sites in the world, BUT its a great step for the whole of the UK scene! Not since arctic has anything really happened in the UK, I mean obviously there's me here at unite as of almost a year now, but products wise its been very dry for a long time. Now we're back, and ready to take over the world. And you better be ready, because these decks are seriously soo good. And as you can see, all perfectly made, fully consistent, and nice and colourful too! Huge props to Blosom for all the amazing work that's gone into these, and the positive effect its had on the whole scene here. Hopefully the whole of the world will enjoy these decks!

They'll be in stock on Flatface as soon as Mike is back from FF14 at the very reasonable price of $30. Considering all the work that goes into them, over a year of prototypes, testing, and loads of work to make them 100% perfect, its worth the money.

You'll also be able to pick one up by PMing Blosom on FBHQ or FFI for £20 shipped. You can go check out the website below for more information on the decks. The website has also been updated with some nice professional pictures of the stock, so go check those out on the site!
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