Gravity Hardware

So, in my lack of something to do today (no, watching the royal wedding wasn't on my agenda, haha) being that I injured my back pretty bad yesterday skateboarding, I was lurking And then I found something I've wanted to exist for SOO long and rushed here to share it with all of you.

FINALLY SOMEONE HAS MADE LONGER SCREWS! Gravity, a company from Germany run by a guy called Leon R, have done something I've always wanted done. How annoying is it trying to get screws to go all the way through some decks? I know proper nice decks, G12s, Blosoms, No Comply, etc, etc, are thin enough for small screws. But what if you want to try another deck company? I remember my old BW graphic deck barely screwed on with brr 1.0 and the screws they came with. I've had some amazing decks with amazing pop, but just too thick and the trucks don't stay on. Now there is a solution! These screws are actually going to be made shorter, as they're 6mm, and that's a bit too long. The owner is making them 5mm long, and then they'll be perfect I think! I'll probably pick up a set for reviewing decks, as it'll mean no matter what deck, as long as the holes are in the right place, the deck will set up. Great stuff!

I don't know if they have a website but you can check out the thread on about Gravity (which has some pictures of the screws in use on BRRs + Ys, and pictures explaining why -1mm length is gonna make them perfect) here :)
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