So, I'm going away for the weekend, back tomorrow evening, so, yea, no posts this evening, hence the many posts now. I thought I'd leave you all with a really amazing video that popped up on FFI yesterday.
I know its 12 minutes long, but, seriously, just leave it on and listen to it whilst you're doing something else (but make sure you switch back to look at it when he shows his injured foot, looks like someone melted a mini condom into it haha XD), its a really great listen. Vince P is someone I've not really seen much of fingerboarding videos wise, but he's got an amazing attitude and I agree with almost all of what he says. Its hard for people at big companies to reply to everyone due to the sheer amount of messages and stuff they get, but otherwise? If everyone was a lot more friendly and talkative things would be way nicer. I know its not always possible, but, yea, I think everyone should try. I try to get back to every message I get. What's also very true that he says is about being important. If you've not got many subs, who cares? Your videos are just as important as everyone elses, so if you enjoy making videos, then do it for yourself, and just enjoy doing it. That's what fingerboarding is about, enjoying yourself!
Definitely go check out Vince's channel here :)