And, well, now, thanks to Todd, we have decks that smudge and wear off realistically! This was apparently used for 45 minutes.

Before, berlinwood graphics put me off loosing the graphic to a dull nothingness, so, I lacquered my berlinwood when I had it to keep the graphic. I think like this, it'd give a more personal feel to the graphic, in the way it wears, and really show through a riders style into the deck. Which is what wear graphics try to do, not to just make you loose the graphic, but to characterise a deck with your own style. To have that in fingerboarding is something I'd really love to test out, to see what my fingerboarding style looks like on a deck after a month. It could even become a new staple post on forums? 'Post your new and thrashed decks', as well as the usual 'post your newest decks'? Who knows. Either way, you know being that this product is from no comply, its gonna be really good quality, and definitely worth checking out. Stock is up in a few weeks, so, keep an eye out for that.