Heres the article, translated into english through google:

(click to enlarge)
Heres the original, for all of you German speakers out there: Link
I think its amazing. Fingerboarding is getting that much recognition. Not so much out of Germany, but, everywhere its growing and becoming something more and more people are seeing, so, more and more people are trying it and loving it. You hear some of the 'OG' people on FFI who keep saying they wished the scene would go back to what it was a few years ago; but, who'd give up the growth and recognition fingerboarding has had? Imagine when fingerboarding is as big worldwide as it is in Germany? How much more fun fingerboarding will be when soo many more people do it? Its all gonna be amazing. And all we have to do to get there is keep having fun fingerboarding. Articles like this are here to show us we're going in the right direction.
So, nice one Jeldo. :)